Sunday, December 21, 2008

I wish I wrote this

A facebook note i shamelessly ripped off from one Benjy Tocker, I wish I had written this, but I didn't so I shall post it now and claim it my own. Take that, copyright laws!
and here it is...
by Benjy Tocker

k so i just finished watching a video called "7 things men can learn from edward cullen" {link is on the bottom} and I'd like to respond to what this creepy lady (and any obsessed twilight fan) has to say.


Edward Cullen is not real. He is merely ink on a paper. E.D.W.A.R.D.C.U.L.L.E.N.
There you go. Edward Cullen is in this note right now. Say hi to him.
Not only is he a fictional character, he is also created by a woman. So, this woman was merely projecting her own feelings of emptiness and lust and longing for a man. She wants a decent man in her life. I bet you that Stephenie Meyers just wanted a decent man in her life so she just created one. Now who is she to tell us men how to act around women.
This video repeatedly tells us to "be man enough" to do this, or "man up" and do this. My answer? You are a girl. Do not tell me how to be a man. When you grow male genitalia, let me know how it feels to be a man, and then maybe you may tell me how to be a man. Being the type of man that twilight suggests will actually guarantee you not to girls. Why, you ask? Because none of the girls i am pursuing is a fictional character named Bella. If by some chance i were to be pursuing a fictional girl named Bella, I would no doubt succeed, she could join me in late night conversations in the psych ward, and possibly even help me take my pills. I would show her off to all of the doctors and nurses and see their stunned reactions to how unbelievably good looking my imaginary girlfriend is. But I will never get Bella, because I am not Edward Cullen.

I digress:
Edward Cullen is not even that great of a character. The dude is '17' but he can live forever, and his random spewing of sentiment like your 80 year old grandfather is supposed to be appealing???!!!
All he does is spew platitudes in his icy vampire tone. At least Barak Obama delivers his worthless platitudes with warmth. The way he shows his love for Bella by telling her how perfect she is just emasculating himself. And I'm being told to "be a man" just like him?!! No thanks, I'd like to keep my genitals. This is what I found on askyahoo: Every sentence describing him features the words "perfect," "flawless," "beautiful," "astonishing," and/or "breath-taking." (Here's a fun game: take a drink every time Meyer uses some elaborate adjective to describe him. You'll be in the hospital by chapter seven.)

I wholeheartedly agree. She overemphasizes his beauty to the point where it is impossible for some naive teen not to fall in love with him. My point is, Edward Cullen is merely a figment of some girls Utopian imagination, projecting her feelings for the flaws of the male gender by creating one man gay enough to sacrifice his manhood for some chick.

Now, for Bella: You are an idiot. A naive little teenage girl. You obviously have some weird desire to snuggle against a cold marble slab named Edward Cullen. The good part of this is that he will live forever, and you will not. You will die, and in a few hundred years he will have had millions of other girls who are better looking than you snuggle up against his icy marbleness and listen to his platitudes. Do you honestly think that everything he says about you being the most beautiful looking girl he has ever seen in his entire (unknown amount of year) existence is true? Good thing you're only ink on paper, otherwise I'd say that you're an idiot.

Edward Cullen is abusive and a stalker. Girls only like him because he is good looking.

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